Science Park
The Science Park, located in the south of the city of Ness Ziona, is the area’s leading high-tech park. The park is an up-to-date and attractive business space of regional importance, identified as a sought-after and high-quality high-tech space.
Among the leading companies located in the Science Park: Indigo, Electra, Elbit Systems and more.
The realization of the park areas and the establishment of businesses indicates the need to expand the supply of employment zones in the area and the attraction of high-tech businesses to the park. The approved plans in the area, which expand the proposed construction zones by more than twice, make it an important employment center on a national scale as well.
Ness Ziona's new outline plan sees great importance in linking the science park to the urban space, and in creating continuity between it and the new city center planned in proximity, which will be characterized by a mix of land uses. This center, together with the Science Park, will allow a combination of business activities, in close proximity to housing, leisure, culture and public buildings. A combination that creates urbanity, adds a lucrative business offering and enables a direct connection between the knowledge and technology space and the urban space and the local and regional community.
In 2018, the municipality prepared a plan for the construction, design and development of the Science Park area - south of the Hanafat Hadegel Road and east of the Weizmann street. The complex includes 3 city building plans in a total area of about 330 dunams. The purpose of the plan is to create a modern employment / high-tech complex, which together with the culture, sports and science center in its middle, will constitute a recreation area at the municipal level, while incorporating active commerce throughout the entire day.
At the end of 2019, preparations for underground infrastructure (drainage, sewage, water, lighting, communications, electricity) were completed.
In addition, work was completed on paving roads and internal sidewalks, including the paving of the Hanafat Hadegel Road and the paving of the Avner Ben-Ner Street square the Hanafat Hadegel Road. Also, new traffic lights were erected and new roads were opened to traffic.
Among the new streets that were paved: Ariel Sharon, Ilan Ramon, Ayalon, Ephraim Katzir, Patchornik and Shay Agnon.
The works are expected to be completed during October 2020, including the opening of the traffic light at the Ariel Sharon-Weizmann junction.
In September 2020, the city plenum led a policy change, and a decision was made for the first time to add uses to the Science Park to produce a mix of uses and thus revive the science park and allow entrepreneurs to invest in it.
The COVID-19 crisis has caused the rate of employed people working from home to increase, and the demand for office and commercial space has declined. The trend of additional uses has come to encourage urbanity and to breathe life into employment areas at night. Among the planned uses: colleges, student dorms, hotels, event gardens, entertainment venues, leisure and more.